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Dogs and Cats Theory of Autism, Neanderthal Contribution to Autism Genetics

I was first diagnosed with Asperger’s in 2012. I have tried to break down the deficits associated with it, and solve them individually. But no matter how hard I try, there is a barrier of communication. And it is related to internal motivations. So I have an analogy that explains the difference that divide the autistic mind from the rest. At the core, autistic people have different behaviors and priorities. And I will explain what I have observed those to be.      Have you ever seen a dog run up to a cat and sniff them, only to be scratched by the cat? This is an example of what happens to me frequently. Imagine that the autistic person is like the dog, and the nuerotypical people are like the cat.      People tend to think and judge actions and words based on their own frame of reference, just like animals do. When a cat sees a dog run up and sniff him, the only way the cat can make sense of the behavior is to think about why a cat would behave this way. And so the cat sees it a
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